Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Getting Somewhere.....

YEAH......I'm Finally getting somewhere! It only took a few days to figure this "Blog Thing" out =). Not that I know it all by any means but at least I haven't completely deleted it from frustration, like I had wanted to do two nights!  I guess it's the same feeling I get with this business. So many times I had wanted to give up and throw in the towel but something keeps me hanging on. I know it's my passion for the business and wanting it to be bigger and better each and everyday. I enjoy the boutiques/shows & events so much because I have the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people ......customers & other talented vendors. It's been a year and a half since I made the decision to start up Madi's Place and I know in my heart it is growing and is continuing to blossom into something. Maybe this is my year or maybe next year for that matter.....who knows? The one thing I know is that I've made a lot of mistakes and I have learned from each and every one of them. This is what it's all about to own your own business.......I'm ready for the challenge!
Thank You for following me on my journey........

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